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Foxtrot, el guapérrimo perro que ha celebrado por todo lo alto el Nobel de la Paz 2020

Foxtrot, el guapérrimo perro que ha celebrado por todo lo alto el Nobel de la Paz 2020

Última actualización del articulo el día 10/10/2020

En 2020 el premio Nobel de la Paz ha sido para El Programa Mundial de Alimentos de la ONU, WFP por sus siglas en inglés. Y. como podréis ver a continuación, hay un perro que lo ha celebrado más que ninguno porque resulta que Foxtrot, el guapérrimo mestizo de la foto, que hasta tiene su propia identificación oficial para indicar que él también forma parte de, WFP, es algo así como la mascota no oficial de este programa, tras ser rescatado por uno de sus equipos sobre el terreno en Bangladesh.

Así ha posado Foxtrot en su cuenta de instagram para celebrarlo, con sabias palabras también (que os traducimos debajo de la foto):


Woweee, i was so excited to hear that the @worldfoodprogramme was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize today. Of course it’s amazing, I do however think it would be even more amazing if we didn’t need any peace prizes because peace was the status quo in our world. But as myself and my colleagues know, this will never be the case in a world without #zerohunger. Conflict and insecurity are the main reason 690 million people in this world go to bed hungry at night and without a doubt hunger is a cause and effect of conflict. If we can make a more peaceful world for future generations then I know that we’ll be able to make sure every single child can live the life they deserve. Thank you so much for all your support and for joining me and my colleagues in doing everything we can to keep food on families’ tables as we work toward a more peaceful and inclusive world 🐶

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"Woweee, me he sentido de lo más emocionado al saber que el @worldfoodprogramme recibió el Premio Nobel de la Paz hoy. Por supuesto que es genial pero sería aún más genial si no se necesitara ningún premio de la paz porque la situación nornal en nuestro mundo fuera esa, la paz. Pero como sabemos mis colegas y yo, este nunca será posible en un mundo sin #zerohambre.

El conflicto y la inseguridad son la razón principal por la que 690 millones de personas en este mundo se acuestan con hambre y sin duda el hambre es una causa y efecto de los conflictos. Si podemos hacer un mundo más pacífico para las generaciones futuras, entonces sé que podremos asegurarnos de que cada niño pueda vivir la vida que se merece. Muchas gracias por todo vuestro apoyo y por unirse a mí y a mis colegas para hacer todo lo posible para mantener la comida en las mesas de las familias mientras trabajamos hacia un mundo más pacífico e inclusivo 🐶"


Wow what a year it’s been! From keeping almost one million bellies full every day, to surviving parvovirus, to the fun and games in between. It’s been a huge pleasure to bring you the stories of the people that make my life in Cox’s Bazar so fulfilling. I hope that wherever you are in the world you’re ready to welcome 2020 with open arms. Despite the gains we’ve made and my unending positivity, I’m realistic in knowing that there’s so much more we need to do next year and beyond. There are still millions around the world who go to bed on empty stomachs which can cause real long term consequences. The number of natural disasters is increasing which threatens food security all across the world. And there’s still no end in sight to armed conflict, which is inextricably linked to hunger. But I’m confident we can all meet these challenges together and that we’ll see #zerohunger before the next decade is done. Wherever you are in the world tonight and whatever you’re doing, I hope you’re ready to join paws with me to beat hunger in the new 20s 🐶

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Normalmente Foxtrot tiene el "duro" trabajo de levantar el ánimo a sus compañeros de equipo, recibiendo mimos y rascadas de barriga con cierta frecuencia. Tiene una cara de trasto feliz...


It’s a ruff life for a 🐕 like me. As you know, we’re a busy little office in Cox’s Bazar but luckily my colleagues are good at multitasking so even when they’re super busy they have time to give me some wonderful belly rubs 🐶 Even if they can’t multitask the belly rubs they’ll often take a few minutes break to give me some pats or play a little game with me. I obviously think that’s nice of them but I also secretly think I’m doing them a favour. Often they look stressed or upset but after politely requesting some pats or play from them they walk away with big smiles on their faces. I wear a lot of different hats around this office (not literally because I don’t like having things on my head) but I take my role as chief of stress relief the most seriously. Even if I’m napping I’ll quickly jump up and run after someone if I get even a whiff (or woof ... get it 😂) of stress coming from their way. In my humble opinion I think every office needs a humanitarian pup and I’m proud to be doing my bit helping WFP feed close to one million Rohingya 🐶

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Remember when I interned with @refugees for the day to see the work they’re doing with the Rohingya in Bangladesh? It was such a good day and I met loads of friendly people as well as learning a lot. Did you know that there are 26 million people in the world living as refugees? And there 80 million people around the world who are displaced from their homes. Those numbers make me so sad because everyone should have a safe and secure place to call home but that isn’t the reality for a lot of people in our world 😕 When we’re faced with numbers like this it’s easy to forget that behind the statistics are people who are just like anyone else in the world - they’re mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters. They’re bakers, farmers, scientists, filmmakers, lawyers, doctors, construction workers, and everything in between. Each one of these people have hopes, dreams, and passions which are so much harder to realise when you have the daily pressures that come with living as a refugee. Today is World Refugee Day, hopefully one day we won’t need a day dedicated to refugees because there won’t be anyone without a safe home! Unfortunately that day isn’t today so for now let’s just remember that behind every number and statistic are individual people who are more than the label of refugee. They’re people who have so much to offer our society given the chance 🐶

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All I want for Christmas is more of these amazing belly rubs please 🐶 I know I’m a lucky pupper and I’m reminded of that every day, especially this week though when WFPs @sharethemeal team came to visit me all the way from Berlin! Unfortunately for me it was only a quick visit because they had to go home to their families for Christmas. I’m happy for them being able to spend Christmas with their families filled with good food and laughter, but it also made me sad because it reminded me that there are millions of people around the world who will go to bed hungry on Christmas night 😕 if you’re in the mood for giving this season you can help us fix that though. The @sharethemeal app is an easy way to donate to our work here in Bangladesh and other countries too! Also the team told me that you can donate on someone’s behalf as a Christmas gift (if you’re one of those last minute shoppers 😉). I hope you have a wonderful week if you celebrate Christmas (and even if you don’t) and keep all those less fortunate in your mind 🐶

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Y los humanos que llevan su cuenta aprovechan cada foto para ir educando y concienciando sobre diferentes temas relevantes mientras Foxtrot... sonríe. Él siempre sonríe.



Cos even a pandemic can’t stop that smile 🐶 #2020challenge It hasn’t always been easy to muster a smile this year I’ll admit, I miss my colleagues and going on adventures that get me out of my comfort zone. But it’s important to keep finding something to smile about and for me it’s been the little things; making a new friend, being given a treat for doing not much at all, or having a roll in the mud. But of course there are big things for me to smile about too; remembering all the lives we’ve all saved together by staying home or wearing masks during the pandemic, knowing that my colleagues at WFP have been there to provide food support to millions around the world and here in Bangladesh who’s livelihoods are suffering, and knowing that one day this will all be over and I’ll never take my freedom for granted. That last one is a long way off probably but I’m always hopeful of a brighter tomorrow 🐶

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También le han hecho una capa muy especial que se pone cuando acompaña a sus compañeros humanos sobre el terreno, porque este divino orejotas es parte indispensable del equipo,aunque solo sea por la cantidad de sonrisas que genera y porque toda la información que pueden ofrecer a través de sus fotos en redes sociales. ¡Enhorabuena Foxtrot y sin duda enhorabuena al Programa Mundial de Alimentos de la ONU por un merecido Nobel.



I was feeling a little down today because it’s hard for me to see so many humans having such a difficult time at the moment. But then my friends at @books__unbound posted this super cool cartoon of me drawn by @joanna_s_art and it cheered me up immediately! Every young pup dreams of being a superhero one day and I think that’s because everyone is born wanting to make the world a better place. You want to know a secret though, whether we know it or not, we all make the world a better place by taking care of others and taking care of ourselves 🐶 I hope you enjoy the cartooned humanitarian pup as much as I did and it brought a smile to your face because the world needs more smiles today and every day 🐶

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Three years ... it’s such a long time. Almost twice as long as I’ve even been alive! I think about how much I’ve been able to do in my lifetime, even though a third of it has been spent in lockdown, and I’m amazed. But then I’m sad. Because I remember the kids I met in the camps who have spent a third of their lifetime in a refugee camp with little education or prospects for a bright future. I remember the babies in the camps who point and smile when they see me walking around and think about about how they were born in a refugee camp and have never seen their homeland. I remember the adults who had nice homes and prosperous livelihoods but now they have nothing. Today it’s been three years since the Rohingya fled to Bangladesh seeking safety. While they may have found refuge from violence, they haven’t found a home where they can build their lives and enjoy the freedoms we often take for granted. As parts of the world begin to find some semblance of normalcy in the time of coronavirus, I think it’s important to remember that living as a refugee isn’t normal. No one should be without a home and everyone should have the opportunity to build the life they want. Three years have past and I really hope that we can all work together and make a #futureforRohingya 🐶

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